
new pics

sorry not much time for writing... today I drove a car for the first time in Korea on the Korean highway (mostly traffic jam) just when we had changed the driver back to Hyounsoo, another car almost hit us. Happy it wasn't me driving at that point! We were on the way back from Danyang, a city located right between two national parks. Unfortunately we didn't have the time to see everything but we saw a lot of beautiful places :) Now it's past midnight and I'm thinking about whether to do homework for tomorrow or not...





Exam preparation in the library and in the classroom (my classmates making themselves mad just before the roleplay exam! I thought it was a better idea to take pictures)

Sightseeing at Jongmyo Shrine and Changgyeong Palace.. the color of the trees is just amazing!

On the way back we tried to take a bus (if you can take a bus in Seoul it pretty much means you're really getting accustomed to the life here, cause it's much more difficult than the subway) and just found a right one very quickly. Tried to ask the driver if he was going our direction which he was so we got in. But then he tried to ask us something else which we couldn't understand, so the whole bus was listening to his questions which we didn't understand. Somewhat embarrassing. Well.. the next busstop he threw everyone out cause there was a huge demonstration and he couldn't go his route. First we thought about taking a subway but then we decided to take a look at the demonstation where we shot some more pictures. There was a lot of well equipped riot police so I wanted to get away quite quickly (definitely don't wanna be in the middle of a fight if some stupid protesters start one) but Lera was just too curious and shot a lot of photos which the police didn't seem to like too much. Anyway, I HAD to take some, too. Besides gathering stones at various places, some protesters uttered their "love" for the police by trying to decorate the police bus by adding some Korean. However maybe they should have chosen some nicer words than those :D


I'm too lazy to write a text on Jimjjilbang myself, so there's just a link to Sebastian's description. There's nothing to add to that one actually.

서울? Ich hab noch kons gesehn: Jimjilbang


Sign of Life

.... however just a short one. Today we got the results of the midterm-exams:
listening - 67%
reading - 84%
speaking - 83%
writing - 87%
(60-70: D; 70-80: C; 80-90: B, 90-100: A; rest: fail)

After all quite fine, if compared to the horror I had in the first class, hehe. Now I gotta work hard to get at leat writing to A in the final exam :D