
still alive!

I had no internet for like two weeks.. actually I didn't have Internet for like 4-6 months, but until two weeks again I could just log into an unprotected WIFI so I didn't care..
Then the exam came so I didn't care and finally today I called my landlord and explained my problem. She sent a technician and it was fixed after two hours. Should've called her earlier but I was always afraid I wouldn't understand her answers.. Which in fact happened of course! But this time I was clever enough to talk most of the time and not let her talk too much, so it was much better!
The exam showed pretty much the same results, so I'll have BBB for speaking, speaking and reading and C for listening. That's really ok.
Today I went to a Jjimjilbang with my two Japanese classmates. It was such a good relaxation, I'm really happy. I'll miss them for sure, they'll both leave Korea even before me :(


What else? I went to a traditional music concert on Saturday. When I told this to my language partner, she said "oh it's so boring"... When I told this to my teacher she said "oh, Korean people usually think it's boring".. So actually I'm a little bit like wondering if that's why they make foreign people watch it? Anyway, for most of the music they were right.. (which is due to my music taste however) but there's one Korean traditional music called Pansori, which I really really like. Praktically it's just a special way of singing (telling a story) accompagnied by a drum. Sound's boring but due to the special singing style it's pretty cool. Especially you're in the audience and are very close it's very nice.


Ah.. and my friend Alex and his friend Sebi came to visit me for a weekend.. the first day we did the traditional sightseeing and the next day we went hiking and to the Jjimjimbang.. (obviously I like those placed just way to much).