
Getting started

Soso, now it's getting time to really start this blog.
Good news first: I made it to level 2 of the Korean class just as I wished. It'll start on Monday, and from the course list it looks like there's only gonna be Chinese and Japanese people in my course... and an Arabian guy who's name was to long for the list :) So I'll definitely have to study hard in order to keep pace with them I guess.
Today I finally found a Global ATM right here in Sinchon, maybe like 5 minutes from my place. Unfortunately, I found it too late, the bank was already closed and so it accepted only domestic cards now. Have to go there again during opening hours obviously, like Monday. Hope to survive the weekend with what I have left.

So what did I do during the last week? Not too much actually, I spent a lot of time at home, watching movies and playing computer games. Needed some relaxation from the stress in Germany before I left to Korea for sure. Also met Seongeun, a girl I know from my last stay, and spent the afternoon with her. And for Chuseok I was invited to my friend Gun's place to have some delicious Korean food his mother made. Later that day, we went sightseeing. First we went up the 63-Building, then met with his girlfriend and went to Gyeongbokgung Palace where we hoped to get free entry. Would've worked if we hadn't been so late they were just about to close. So then we went to Insadong to have some food and then had a walk around Cheongyecheon. So I saw pretty much all the same places again that I kept in so good memories from being there for New Year's 2005.
And yesterday I met with Sebastian from my university in Germany, who is on Exchange to Seoul National right now. Went to Sinlim9Dong again and we spent some time in a Shisha-bar. While smoking, I pretty much forgot about time and so ended up there with no buses going any more. So I went to the subway station by taxi (thanks to a nice Korean guy who asked me to join his ride - that's sort of what I liked so much about Korea last time, I recalled) but didn't quite make it to catch one that was going all the way home. So it was time for another taxi from Sindorim Station then, which due to the late hours was a little more expensive unfortunately. But I got home, and that's what counts.

Plans for today are to continue studying Korean, and to join the other Exchange guys going to the clubs today... And to meet Brandon, our party guy from last time, again. Looking forward to seeing him again :)

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