
Language course

So, there's gonna be two new posts today, at least I hope I'll finish the second one, too. The language course is kinda tough, actually much harder than I had expected. The first lesson was hell, I didn't even understand the text we were reading. So I actually started looking up all the vocabulary which took me about 4 hours (due to crappy internet connection). So next day I could at least understand what we were talking about. Later, it got better however, I could understand the next two texts, the third one even without having prepared.
Some general info about the course: it's divided into four lessons of each 50 minutes. For the first two of them, the break is at the end and then in the beginning, resulting in a 20 minute break in the middle. The first two lessons are with a male teacher, working with the textbook (or, more accurate: with a copy of it as the current version for lvl 2 is not finished yet). Then there's two different female teachers, and I could't really figure out who's turn it is when cause it was different every day until now. What we are supposed to learn with them is reading and speaking/ listening. Actually reading is very good (there's a whole book just with texts to read) and necessary (my reading skills are so terrible!). Listening is sometimes quite bad cause there's still so many words that I can't understand but actually it's getting better and better every day :-)


Ah, and then there's just some pictures of Yonsei Campus to be found here.

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